Monday, September 06, 2010

Sold the house!!

So, we put our house on the market right before Memorial Day weekend and closed on it before Labor Day weekend!! We found an inexpensive townhouse to rent (2 bed/1.5 bath) near the school and even walked a few times! Sometimes we walked by choice and sometimes because the van was acting up...

We moved into the new place the last weekend of August, closed Sept 2nd and left for Clever I Convention after that! :) Busy week!!!

While we were packing up, we had to have a tree taken down because it was dead.
 This is how they took the big stuff out of the backyard...

 Kolby was my watcher but the chainsaw was too noisy so he had to sit inside!!
 Now that the noisy part is done... he sat out with the guys while they took a drink break too. :)

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